Explore Quantum Computing
Find out more about how quantum computing will change the way we live and work. The QAI Resource Library has videos, reports, and more that range from Quantum 101, to how quantum is applied in industry, to the growth of quantum computing globally.
Shohini Ghose: A Beginner’s Guide to Quantum Computing
A quantum computer isn't just a more powerful version of the computers we use today; it's something else entirely, based on emerging scientific understanding -- and more than a bit of uncertainty. Enter the quantum wonderland with TED Fellow Shohini Ghose and learn how this technology holds the potential to transform medicine, create unbreakable encryption and even teleport information.
The Quantum Revolution: Shohini Ghose public lecture
You’ve likely heard of quantum computing. This emerging form of technology harnesses counter-intuitive properties of the subatomic realm to perform tasks that would overwhelm even today’s most powerful “classical” computers. But do you know what that will mean for the ways you work, communicate, play, and live? In her public lecture at Perimeter Institute, Shohini Ghose guides the audience through the latest advances in the quantum world and shares her own journey in quantum science.
Optimizing Logistics with Quantum: Supply Chain Issues Solved: SavantX
The co-founders of SavantX, Ed Heinbuckle, and David Ospi, present their company's work on quantum computing in solving supply chain issues. They discuss their software-driven, science-oriented approach, focusing on Quantum's incremental benefits.
How Quantum Computers Break The Internet... Starting Now
Veritasium presents the power of Quantum computing over classical computing explaining how it can break the classical encryption in seconds that would take as long as the life of our universe for classical computers.
How To Make a Quantum Bit
Veritasium and Andrea Morello from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) presents a process for creating qubits and measuring their spins. They demonstrate and measure the electron spin, atom spin, and nuclear spin.
Is This What Quantum Mechanics Looks Like?
Veritasium demonstrates the nature of quantum particles using silicon oil droplets. The demonstration presents quantum superposition, tunneling and probability distribution of quantum particles.
Quantum Entanglement & Spooky Action at a Distance
The video demonstrates the quantum entanglement in great detail. It explains the spin direction of entangled particle and its relation with it's pair.
How Does a Quantum Computer Work?
Veritasium invites Andrea Morello from UNSW to compare bits and Qubits. Andrea also talks about the cases when the quantum computer is efficient in some kind of computation and when it's not.
Quantenkoffer Demonstration
The Quantum Algorithms Institute (QAI) presents The Quantum Suitcase - Quantenkoffer Demonstration where Rafael Haenel takes us through a demonstration of the Quantenkoffer, a portable quantum physics kit that allows us to demonstrate a wide range of experiments in quantum computing in real-time.
Violation of Bell Inequalities
The Quantum Algorithms Institute (QAI) presents The Quantum Suitcase - Violation of Bell Inequalities where Rafael Haenel takes us through a demonstration that violates the Bell Inequalities using a Quantenkoffer, or “The Quantum Suitcase”, a portable quantum physics kit that allows us to demonstrate a wide range of experiments in quantum computing in real-time.