Explore Quantum Computing
Find out more about how quantum computing will change the way we live and work. The QAI Resource Library has videos, reports, and more that range from Quantum 101, to how quantum is applied in industry, to the growth of quantum computing globally.
Measuring the Speed of Light
The Quantum Algorithms Institute (QAI) presents The Quantum Suitcase - Measuring the Speed of Light where Rafael Haenel shows how we can measure the speed of light, using a Quantenkoffer, or “The Quantum Suitcase”, a portable quantum physics kit that allows us to demonstrate a wide range of experiments in quantum computing in real-time.
Photon Entanglement
The Quantum Algorithms Institute (QAI) presents The Quantum Suitcase - Photon Entanglement where Rafael Haenel takes us through a visual demonstration of photon entanglement using a Quantenkoffer, or “The Quantum Suitcase”, a portable quantum physics kit that allows us to demonstrate a wide range of experiments in quantum computing in real-time.
From Entanglement to Quantum Information Technology
The Quantum Algorithms Institute (QAI) presents a lecture from Daniel Higginbottom, Post-Doctoral Fellow at Simon Fraser University and Director, Research at Photonics Inc., on From Entanglement to Quantum Information Technology – Understanding the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics.